Advanced technology Thanh Ha Technique Co., Ltd
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Improving the quality
of community health care
Thanh Ha Technique Co., Ltd

Unicel DxH 600

Beckman Coulter is once again leading the way in lean laboratory practices and efficiency with the introduction of the UniCel DxH 600 Coulter Cellular Analysis System.

Delivering exceptional quality of results, first-pass accuracy and efficiency through cutting-edge technology the UniCel DxH 600 Coulter Cellular Analysis System delivers unparalleled value for your mid-to-large volume laboratory—all with a small footprint.


Superior Quality of Results

  • Multi-Angle Flow Cytometric Digital Morphology technology and advanced algorithms ensure exceptional quality of results
  • 29 measurements per cellular event to accurately characterize WBC differential samples, ensuring first-pass accuracy and efficiency
  • 2D-dataplots, surface plots and 3D-cube formats allow for enhanced visual cellular investigation

Improved Efficiency

  • Extended Decision Rules capability and Auto-Rerun and Reflex testing reduce TAT and the need for manual operator intervention
  • Run standard and micro-volume Whole Blood Sample Tubes in Automatic Cassette Mode 
  • Single Aspiration Pathway, simplifies calibration and quality control processes, while eliminating mode-to-mode procedures 
  • Intelligent Workload Tracking, software allows for workload tracking by day, hour and test

Extended Testing Capabilities 

  • Multi-Angle Flow Cytometric Digital Morphology technology delivers Automatic NRBC enumeration, without the need for additional reagents or expensive stains.
  • Automatic Reticulocyte and Body Fluid Analysis capabilities

Standardization of Process 

  • Same technology and User Interface as the UniCel DxH 800 allow for true standardization of process and results across the DxH series and reduces laboratory personnel training needs
  • Shared consumables with the DxH 800 allow for simplified inventory management